Atkinson to join the Heating/Cooling System!

On Friday, October 10th, 2013, a contractor will be onsite working at Atkinson Hall near the cupola. The contractor will be removing the decommissioned chiller located inside the 1st floor mechanical room. Along with the chiller demolition,  the cooling tower and its brick enclosure located outside Atkinson will be removed. The demolition work will run through the weekend and is scheduled to be completed by October 15th.

This work is required in order to prepare the area for the installation of a heat exchanger for Atkinson Hall. The new heat exchanger will allow for the removal of the antiquated gas fired heating boiler located inside the Atkinson mechanical room. Once removed, the new heat exchanger will be installed. This new heat exchanger will take advantage of the steam being produced from the central steam plant and convert the steam into hot water for heating of Atkinson. New underground steam lines will be installed from the corner of Arts & Sciences to the Atkinson mechanical room near the cupola. The steam line and heat exchanger installation will take place during the December winter break period.

If you have questions or concerns, please contact the Facilities Operations Office at 445-4467.  As always, thank you for your cooperation.

John E. Webb

Published by Doug R. Oetter

Professor of Geography at Georgia College & State University.

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